
The term vantage point simply put is the position that you view something from. It can be from the traditional eye level “straight on”, down low - worms eye view (right), or high up - birds eye view (far right),.

Shooting from a high or low vantage point can also help give an image a completely different “feel”.

Shooting from below an image can make the subject seem larger and more imposing, whereas shooting from above a subject can give it a vulnerable and sensitive feel.

This technique can be used to great effect - when looking to sell a property you will find a lot of pictures are taken from a lower angle in order to make it look bigger and stronger (left) – if you are looking to show a persons vulnerability or sensitivity a higher angle can be used to help achieve this (far left).

As well as using height to vary your vantage point you can also rotate or twist to give an extra edge to your image, making it more interesting to the viewer and holding their attention for longer..

Extreme vantage points can force your viewer to think about an image in way they haven’t before, and make an everyday object look completely different.



This has to be my favourite assignment so far! Making you look at the world from a completely different angle, instead of taking a picture from a standing or sitting eye level, forcing yourself to twist an angle, drop to the floor or perch above something to completely change its appearance. It was great fun and gave me some really pleasing results, some of which I don’t even know why but they are my favourite images, teaming that with adjusting levels and tones on photoshop made me feel like it was coming on leaps and bounds.